Official source of info for investing in SADC

PROJECT # 0015
Submarine Cable Branching Unit (Equiano and 2-Africa to Namibia)
LOCATION AND SIZE Swakopmund, Namibia Location Map
HOLDER Government of Namibia
STATUS S4A: tendering
AMOUNT Not yet determined

Both Equiano and 2Africa are subsea cables that will connect Africa to Europe. Equiano subsea cable is a private international cable funded by Google that will connect Africa with Europe. Running from Portugal to South Africa along the West Coast of Africa, the cable foresees branching units along the way that can be used to extend connectivity to additional African countries. The cable was landed at Swakopmund in June 2022 by landing partners Paratus Group and Telecom Namibia, which were contracted to build and operate the landing station. 2Africa will be the longest submarine cable system ever deployed with a length of over 45,000 km. It is also a private subsea cable with 8 partnering companies, and will connect Europe to Africa and further east
to Asia with the 2Africa PEARLS branch extending the 2Africa cable to the Arabian Gulf, India and Pakistan.

Namibia’s technology (ICT) infrastructure is amongst the best in Africa but relied entirely on the West Africa Cable System, (WACS).