Official source of info for investing in SADC

PROJECT # 0026
Zambia - Lake Tanganyika Transport Corridor Development Project: Upgrade and Modernisation of the Port of Mpulungu
LOCATION AND SIZE Construction of an extension of one of the existing quays, construction of access roads, railway line and rehabilitation of navigation aid system Location Map
HOLDER Zambia Ministry of Transport and Logistics
OTHER COUNTRIES Zambia, Tanzania, D.R. Congo
STATUS S3A: project structuring
AMOUNT USD 120 million

The Mpulungu Port Development project (Northern Province) is linked to the Lake Tanganyika Transport Corridor Development Project that aims at boosting regional integration and significantly reducing trade costs between riparian countries (Burundi, DRC, Tanzania and Zambia). Multimodal links with the Central Corridor roads and railways will provide greater transport connectivity with other countries in the sub-region. The project will therefore unlock Lake Tanganyika’s potential as an inland waterway and provide a platform that will link the Northern (Mombasa, Kenya), Central (Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania) and Southern (Mpulungu, Zambia/ Durban, South Africa) Road Corridors.

The project involves the development of infrastructure facilities at Mpulungu Port and includes the construction of an extension of one of the existing quays by approximately 120 m with reclamation and paving behind the extended quay, the construction of access roads, railway line and the rehabilitation of navigation aid system. It will improve the safety of navigation on the lake and cargo handling activities at the ports. The rehabilitation of the Mpulungu port will also provide a fuel efficient transport mode along the regional corridors. Researches have shown that waterways transport is the most fuel efficient of all transport modes.

A Geotechnical Survey on the Feasibility Study and Detailed Engineering Design for Mpulungu Port Development project was completed in 2018 with the support of the African Development Bank. The government is working on the financing modalities and will publish an expression of interest for potential bidders.